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Шаста14 17-19июня 2дня хор празднования шишковидной железы

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Двухдневный хор празднования шишковидной железы
первый день

первый день транскрипция на английском
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
And so here you are again,
and the Irene and the beauty
is basically you have no idea
what you doing. and this
he is the beauty. blessed is the human being
who does not fully understand the profundity
of what is happening, but is guided day by day,
seemingly in a vacuum often
in the dark to follow directions that are sacred
that will be in create a path for others to follow.
you all are
the forerunners of future and without you following
these guidelines and this require,
without coming into
the full fold of what some of you feel
is oddness and strangeness, without them
you would not have what we would call
full calibration of what is to come. each
year the information
make clear for you, each year
we will then revealed some other things that were on revealable
in the past. let us look at a knowledge , let us clear
some issues, before you begin
to even sing a note in this celebration
ceremony. at the balance of the precession
of the equinoxes 900 of your gathered
and some here today were among them , and this was before
any knows and Knows were identified, this was before
any of the information about time capsules was presented
and there you were, truly without full knowledge of,
why but you felt the profundity
of a message to be send t to who knows where,
by nine hundred of you that
gathered to seeing nodes in the air
through your voices that carried
there which was a multidimensional force,
a force gonna energy, and energy
exist a force travels, and the force
that you presented singing this human consciousness
told with intent came together to create
a third force, they sent a message
a forced message that is to say there were no receivers, there were no
this planet was isolated, it was a pressure cooker,
it hadn't even opened yet, then you opened!
this was the beginning, we told you you had turned
a key in the lock ,now we explain
a little more -the transmission
that you gave at that moment was to say
to the central source in all the Ascended planets in the galaxy
we have a rapid, we're at the chance
of a shift in consciousness,
we made it, we did not destroy ourselves and we're ready for more,
intuitively seeming like at the last moment - YaYee
decided to reverse the polarity
of the tones for a reception, its data transmission,
it's a good thing he did,
for then you got the message, message received, and you felt,
didn't you? You felt it as simple
as this seems its six the stage
for everything to come.
at that moment without even knowing it
there were at least one two sets
of receivers we now call the time capsules,
it was starting to feel the activation to come.
and there was what I will call a default
activation and calibration
of the first set.
so Lemurian
choir sent a message
activated a set of time capsules that it had no idea existed
and calibrated them with the default energy.
and that reception was then
able to go to your
ease consciousness for a higher set of tones,
that he would never have been able to give without that first set
being energy. Now they're is
a vast difference between
activating the time capsules and calibrating them
as was just explain. the activations can be done
apart from acquire, it can be done
in places you don't know about and people you never heard.
small groups on the planet in the right place at the right time
even planetary events
can activate that said of time caps,
the activation is like turning
on the radio it's ready to then received
but like the metaphor of the radio on the planet Earth
you must in turn the dial to find the frequency you will calibrate
to the reception, there is need it.
the reception and the calibration is not known
in advance and that is why
YaYee is involved to the degree, he must
remember he must receive an advance
in order then to create the tones
that will calibrate for the moment for the planet
what is needed.
you've had three quarters, there are four
now, 4 time capsules
identified and the 4 is the Gaia energy,
and the 4 will enable the 12
to then be stored to receive information
of calibration so they can also be receivers
in the future, for ahead to be calibrated
in order for this planet to begin receiving
anything. it's the percentage of the 12
need greater than third
just like your DNA.
and so this is the chronology.
the time capsules that exist before
have all now been
activated - one at Lake Titicaca,
one with the choir one in Cancun and one
is about to be, all of them
have been activated and calibrated except the fourth
in the shadow of the mounting, you're about ready to do that. now listen
I just told you that you need four to be calibrated before the
earth begins to receive anything
and that means that after this weekend
the planet begins to receive.
it had to happen in your one, this is
your one, last year was doing
year of recalibration, now we start
calibration, these things
are now obvious and should be to you especially if you listen
again to this explanation,
dear ones, what you're about to do
is to calibrate. the time capsules that exist in the mountains behind you
and in Turkey and both of those places
the node and the knots right now
are celebrating. I want you to feel
and here are my instructions for the day:
do not be consumed with the Manusha,
you doing right, are you doing it wrong?
I will tell you that there is a pleadians in every chair
and they're not listening if you doing it right
they are just so happy you're doing it at all,
do you feel the profundity at the moment?
there is secret is here.
there's appropriate is here, there is joy
in this place, celebration
is a hand,
and so it is.
And now we continue.
and the continuation is with education.
it's time to reveal what Yayee
is truly remember. the pleadians
play a great role in what you're doing now.
that statement
alone puts you in a category
that is different from those perhaps outside the building.
perhaps for the first time
appropriately in year one there would be those
seeing this that would never have seen it before
through the media which is now being
recorded here.
and so there would be those who would
watch this and would not understand any
in fact they would not see
what you see, they would not understand
what you understand, in fact they may even pass judgment,
that it's not for them and never will be.
and so we will reveal just a little
perhaps of the common sense that is here to a pleadians
and what you doing . you are connecting this planet
to the seed biology the creation story
on the planet, of humanity,
and therefore there is an alliance for the first time
to begin with communication from that which is the Seven Sisters constellation
from that which is the pleadians in the mountains
who are in a quantum state a time capsule
that has no time. a difficult concept
indeed. one in a quantum state
who has no time is not one who does not understand time,
it is one who simply has none.
what it means that they can land anytime they want to their consciousness in your
that's the ability.
in a quantum stay it is not ruled by a linear time frame but it is
easily manipulated to a linear place,
if it wants to be, it can be anywhere anytime.
pleadians you may think have waited a long time for this to them
not really. The celebration
with the Dhamma and the others in the mountains
is beginning and has started
days ago, but they really haven't waited that long
in the consciousness of a quantum state. Let me tell you something
about the physiology a pleadians
the human being is born with
t seeds in the thru chakra - there are biological between the male and the
and you even see it you call the male hasn't Adams
Apple, that is a course
named after the metaphor Adam and adamant Eve.
Adam representing the male, that is different between the male and a female
on the planet that is a difference also
in a pleadian' male and female there is a difference in the stole chakra
the physiology of the vocal cords
is different. men and women on the planet
yes it is the same except the woman's vocal cords
are shorter, higher, man's - longer
and therefore deeper in boys, to pleadians have a different
kind of scenario, the female has a muscle
in the vocal cords, much like on a guitar string,
a person, a human would put their finger
on the string to make it higher or lower. The female can't do this with a muscle,
the female has the attributes of creating sounds that are higher
than a human can hear. Now you're starting to have a little
indication while you're making some of the sounds you're,
now I have a revelation some of the sounds
on the pleadians language.
now let's just give you an example - in Pleadian -
h- this is one phrase.
here's another - one means
"good morning and the other one means "you don't look so good".
it's sorrowed, isn't it. did you know this - that...
that's Pleadian,
the tones are not simply sacred sounds that you are putting together to create
other energies
they are Pleadians' greetings, dear ones,
you are singing to them in their language, what do you think,
what do you think?
Is it any wonder that they're excited
- not only have you awaken,
but you have a lemurian priest,
the lemurian priest,
who have a pleadians mother
who was remembering the tones
and the language of this planet, this is mother talking,
when he was small, that is what you doing -
this is the awakening,
but the mountain is sensing - it is no wonder
they're excited, there's more.
and it continues - so much beautiful information
to impart to you, this is your one.
And we keep saying that because
there is already a model,
that has been set many times in this galaxy.
what take please
within a planet that has been seeded by another?
allowed with free choice to get to a place
or not, where it would wake up
to its own consciousness and decide to change?
I would love to give you a biology less,
and it's one that scientists may not agree with.
and yet there are things they cannot deny,
that they see. and they search for answers
that are not there - you don't have human DNA,
ever since DNA was identified in chromosomes could be looked at closely
there was the awareness
of the fusion of chromosome
too. Fuse with chromosome 3, some say,
gave humanity a completely different set of chromosomes,
the common ones
of other mammals especially those who look like you
would be apes. you have 23 pair
instead of the common 24 and if you stopped right there and looked at that
in an esoteric fashion and we invite you too - there's numerology
everywhere - for chromosomes 2&3 would equal a five
given you twenty three pairs which equals a five
and five means change - isn't invitation
to change your DNA? not chemically -
for DNA chemically
is complete. the invitation to change your DNA
is quantum leap, consciousness
is Quantum - it is not three-dimensional,
it is in attribute, an element a quant confluence
with the chemistry that gives you even power over physics.
I invite you
right now to look as your history.
What is the history a master's, of the planet? what did a show you,
what did they do? did they do anything unusual? did some of them like for
change physics, walk on water, create things that were not there a moment
before, what does this tell you?
are you just gonna call it a miracle, thank you, god, and walk away?
or you going to say: "this was an example
of the human being!" with
a DNA that was different, enhanced, perhaps even
operating, and its fullest pleadians level.
there was even one
early on e who chose his own
ascension time, did not leave evidence
of that, even a body. these with a Masters on the planet showing you
change. now I would like to invite you
to know more about pleadian DNA,
human beings the biased.
how would you like to know about
high pleadian technology ?
You,human being, are looking for devices. you've got to have
a outside of consciousness devices driven
technology married with what you do corporeally an order to give you
high-technology, what if I told you the pleadians
never did that? first of all you should know this - the pleadians civilization
is ten times longer than yours,
now that varies depending upon which pleadians planet you're talking about
and there were three,
for the had nine starts,
and if I told you what it was,
you wouldn't understand, called truly
humanity is far different than other planets even cultures with inhumanity
are different,
you have what is called human nature.
pleadians did not go there route, did not go down the technology route with
and things, they went right
the consciousness,
and elevated consciousness will turn in on itself
and married with physics, it will not go
I'll give itself and create a device,
it will create it own technology within itself.
there had been critics who would say that the Lemurians no matter how high
they are mounted was,
could never have super called technology, they could not have had
a temple a rejuvenation, because they didn't have the equipment.
That is a human bias, you see, your device driven on you,
the pleadians did need it.
what did the Masters of the planet show you again?
what was there device with a created something out of nothing, what was their
device today used to walk on water?
what was the device used to a send at the right moment?
the device was consciousness, it was built in
it was elevated consciousness that understood and could manipulate
physics! pledian's,
I've said this before, if you see ships
in the mountains, their allusions created for you because that's what you wanna
They don't need it.
Pleadians consciousness controls physics, they entangle themselves
with whatever it is they need to make and be here
or anywhere and be several places at the same time,
this is you know what I'm talking about,
it is so different from you.
I let me tell you the rest of the story.
a pleadian mother
sings a lullaby
to her child, not just a song,
not something simply passed down
and beautiful, lullaby she sings to her song
songs sings to her child is a healing song,
right from birth
the pleadian mother is healing
her child. imbuing into the child the same kind
a biological protection
from a very high technology of consciousness
you can understand without devices at all.
Now what did I tell you the last time I stood here -
you are singing the lullaby,
you are singing their language. do you think
there is a possibility, that it affects your DNA. and whose DNA is it that you
have exactly?
do you see what I'm saying? the pleadien DNA within you
is awakening at the same time, the mountains -
this is a healing meeting.
now I want you take that; your belief
enhances every corporeal structure you have,
it sees what you believe, it starts to elevate itself because you
own the belief, it starts to build bridges
in its all consciousness, its
own cellular structure, that will keep disease away and healing back which is
I glad to tell you
how many people are in here so I identified who've come freely,
there's a lot of you,
and so I'm just going to tell you you are in the right place
at the right time, it's not just homes,
think for a moment of your ancestors,
the ancient, think even perhaps a few seed biology
singing use a lullaby to heal your body,
to live longer. I want you to leave this place
differently than you came, for today
I say. And so it is.

второй день

гора Шаста
Особый ченнелинг Адама в середине ченнелинга, когда Крайон уступает место Адама.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
And so we are here again.
It is time to make some more sense up what you're doing,
a bigger picture is always good,
for sometimes it is not always available
for you to see that which is
perhaps over the site of the choir
itself, it's a larger picture,
and you feed into this picture
beautifully. the Earth's history
is grander and greater then any of you know.
And in a bigger scenario
the ancients knew it - there was
a time clock running that would affect
what you did. although you have been here
with the knowledge of dark and light for almost two hundred thousand years
it is only been in the last 13,000 the civilization
has developed and the test really began.
and the test is this:
what would humanity do if left alone
without guidance and where would it go?
how we proceed?
your archaeologists
are linear, they have a preset
bias that says that civilization grows
and always start
small and gets better or worse
but it starts from one point and goes
to another. And as they dig in as they look
and as they search, this is the bias.
what they don't know and what they did not expect
is that there have been 4 civilizations
out the planet when left alone humanity
destroyed itself almost four-time.
in the future archaeologists will discover this.
let this be a time
of notification - for this
is being shown and it's being recorded
and as or is it may sound let this be said now that
or come archaeologists will discover things that do not make sense
in the chronology that they expect. earth is far different
than you think. add to this what we have told you before
that in galaxy which is billions and billions have years
old thirty thousand years, is very quick.
is it possible, dear ones,
logically in the billions in the years that the Galaxy has formed that life
would have formed
quicker on other planets than yours ? the answer is - yes.
you all are the new kids on the block.
and so with although
this known, I give you
a setup and the setup is this:
let me ask you about your children.
you watch your children grow and you were aware
of consciousness shift, the human brain just starts to develop
and eventually it will get to a place where
ease thinking as an adult. and in that period of time
the children will awaken to themselves, they'll have self-realization and they
were treated differently depending upon how old they are,
some will move forward , some will not, depending upon the guidance you give
them as a pair.
some will turn into a survivalists and bullies, some will
use force against the others for things they want and don't have,
some of them will not play well together with others,
and as they grow your guidance
they will. there will be an elegance
that develops within the adult as they grow.
And the parent will breathe a sigh of relief
that they made, and that there there.
I want you to picture something right now what if you weren't there,
what if the planet was only children
what would happen? without guidance,
without wisdom, without the elegance that you know
about of human behavior
and maturity, what would happen?
books have been written about that possibility, one of them "The Lord of flies",
would you end up with marauding children,
killing one another?
having no concept of the elegance of getting alone?
I think you see the metaphor , do you not?
and this is what you had for 4 times.
the youth turned into a situation where civilization could not get along
and ended itself 4 times -
this is the fifth time.
and this time was foretold by the ancients,
the ancients said it was the last time!
and when you turns this page if you had not learned by yourselves so what you
needed to learn,
you would have the end humanity and that was your prediction
if you recall - in your scriptures
that was the prediction, but the ancients had a different one.
the potentials it if you would turn the corner something else
would happen in, elevated consciousness would begin
now use your common sense and your logic -
do you think that would have simply happen by itself because you passed a
or would there be some outside influence
because of it - income
the parents.
the transmission from the great central source
representing other planets of a sun shine
will be given to you received here
what will it give you?
what is appropriate? what would you give?
if you've found a try that had never advanced it was thousands have years old
had never heard it anything else on the planet and work,
we're losing their population due to disease and death and bad water in all
the other things and you suddenly found them
what would you give them? let me ask you this:
in all logic what would you give them, dear
human beings? Would give "mcdonnalds"
and Mall centers?
No! now let's that start to think about it ,what would you give them, these
are all metaphors,
you getting clean water ,you teach them to take their crops and work with Gaia,
you give them tools so they could build what they wanted to build
in a better way, you give them life extension without drugs,
your children what's in the force that they would need and could use
and then what they'd have that you teach them to read, you given literacy
you show them poetry, you might even give them collars they'd never see,
you show them artwork and music.
and that
is what a pleadians are gonna do for you.
yes, there will be inventions
for you and device striven but not forever -
the devices that you have they'll reach a limit, dear ones, there that training
wheels on your bicycle.
and no come a time when you won't need 'em and will throw them away
and the consciousness will be high enough so that you will mailed with
physical things,
and do what the Masters did. the pleadians are not coming
to give you what they have, they're coming to give you the things that you want
and you need better elegant ,the colors the artwork, the music,
the little your CD,
awareness, what is really around you-
Standack - for in these next generations there will be
unexpected things and they will follow the lines,
potentially what I've given you as I stand here.
the news that I give today will remain long after the corporeal body up this
man is gone.
And what science to trot out and look at!
and maybe this will not be quite a spooky then
maybe this will not be full weird at all.
maybe this will be the troops.
channeling is interesting.
for the recipient and the one who delivers it
must be out of the way.
my partner steps aside.
in order for this to happen
in the way that I wished s to happen for you
he can have no foreknowledge
of what I wanted to do. and what I wish
to do depends upon this room, and how receptive
it might be the something you did not expect . first let me set the scene
the mountain,
that you celebrate ,that you've come to see
is a life. and there are many
books that have been written about it and there have been those who have
those in it - really a Louise Jones
is here - she did not
reincarnate, she went to be in the mountains where she belongs,
and in the process
she had you reunited time
with Adama, you should know Adama?
you cannot leave this place
without a message from Adama,
Adama will speak for himself herself
in just a moment, the information that has been
esoteric to the max unbelievable
is that in the mountains where is a city
and the city is basically
Lemurian mostly Pleadian
which we have described is the same thing at
this case. and it has a purpose.
there are those who continue to channel
Adama accurately with true , and they do it
with the filters that they would have based upon what they expect,
and I want Adama
to set the record straight. this may seem odd
but of course the whole thing seems odd.
the human being channel Kryon
and I'm stepping into channel Adama. you see Adama
is not on the other side of the veil? you see Adama?
It's a live. Adama has what we would call a quantum
consciousness, that always was and will be
as long as a Adama want it, now does that sound like
a Hebrew prophet to you - who could choose
the moment of Ascension when he was finished - this is a quantum attributes.
Amagine life
as long as you wish it to be either corporeal
or not and a transition
on your schedule. that sound ought to you it sounds like it would be
miraculous only angelic beings
can do anything like that really.
or perhaps it's simply
high consciousness just for a moment or two,
let us see
with Adama has to say.

Greetings, my beautiful children, I am Adama, and we have expected you.
You sing the lullaby in my language that we expected, I want you to pay attention no e-mail of Birbage from any human being or channeling for any human being would awaken the city that I represent.
I am Adama , you see me as male I am NOT , I have a collective consciousness about multi-dimensional city filled with energy, waiting to be released at a time capsule to you - it is beautiful, it is filled with maturity. let me tell you let my test as you would say, for we've been here a long time waiting for this, and we know that there is only one way for this, what we call the Guardians, to release the information, there is only one way, and that is to hear our native language and songs song by humans because this was never written, this was never to be discovered.
It doesn't exist on planet, it had to come, had to come from human Akash had remembered. And we needed it - it would be the signal and the sign, it would be proof that is happening - that the only, the only proof that would be satisfactory you have come to seek to us.
Let it be known that the mounting has heard it, is ready - out will pour at the appropriate time and be placed through the planet's that needs to be out will pour the beginning of the maturity you need the elegance of conscious that you need, it is gonna start in humans who are least resist it. and those will be those who are young who have not made up their mind whether this is silliness or whether it's three. and outward flow then the abundance of the maturity we have for you, and it will be given in what ever scenario of time you create of receipt ability and resilience!
As you sit here , listen "I am Adama" - I'm sitting here.
I know things I will tell you things on this planet right now, right now, there are things taking place as you see here where the old energy which is you to leave the building and watch the news and say "it can't be real, because look what's going on the planet!"
There are pockets of old energy that know about this mountain, and that will create pockets of disruption at so that you will believe that is not true, that they don't have chance , they don't have chance - not with you here.
Do you understand what it must feel like for us?
This collective consciousness to hear you with your DNA singing in our language lullabies in our mothers have sung to us?
Thank you, finally it is time, I am Adama, thank you.

today the mountain
sometimes I get premonitions, I was third
I can't believe in it.
my partner steps aside,
I asked him to put YaYee
in the chair, because we want to talk to him.
YaYee he first of all - this is not an assignment.
we're done giving you assignments
because you already know before we give them and are halfway through the process.
and that's what we wish to speak about.
the process that's going on in the planet right now
you will understand for better than anyone so I speak to you.
reception is coming in a quantum way from the center of the galaxy
which is collected from
others who are ascended the collection is from planets
who are send it - the pleadians have their parents,
they have their parents ,there are many in Ascension
so it is a collective wisdom all
over the Galaxy delivered it to this planet, it is received through the
portals that represent the
12 time capsules of the planet
the pairs that have been discussed this. is the fourth pair toward
you are now calibrating, it is transmitted through the ground and then
is reflected upon the three grids to the earth that we have discussed in the past
the magnetic, the crystalline and
and the Gaia. together they post the human consciousness in human consciousness
then is postured through the DNA which that reflects their
quantum energy which is passed from the grids to it.
some of them is given real time to the humans on the planet at the time most
of it
is given to the womb of those to be born. therefore the children will
awaken first and change the planet right under that
feat of the dome. that is the system.
I want to tell you all shockingly accurate one -
is that
as this begins and it begins now, the choirs gonna change,
it has to - for this has been the beginning , the awakening,
the tones that you have remembered have come
literally from one
pleadian - and that was your mother,
because your mother
is still alive not corporeally,
but consciously, and she delivers this
waiting for you to awaken, you are remembering of course the lullabies the
sounds, the language,
all the thing , but up to now
serve, you have remembered in a linear fashion
and in this linear fashion you would receive it, you would record it, you would
write it down you would give it
to those who would direct you, you would sing the tones to each other
in a way that would create other energies and awaken these portals
that we have described to you and that system
is now changing. the tone as
song are accurate and will remain accurate
and they still do the same things but there are more advanced
tones coming. now the numerology
of the last tones that you're seeing should give it away - for they are 27-28
9 and one, completion
a new beginning. and so the choir completes
a segmented of energy and closes it
here in chest / and when it reopens
by the Orange rock in Uruguay
next year, I want you to sing
something a little different - here
is what you already know because you are sensing that it's coming.
it's going to be the choir,
and YaYee, it's going to be a triad.
the three represents the catalyst
and the choir becomes a catalytic
calibrator of the future portals to open
as the time capsules we describe, and the part that you're going to play in some
other new tones
are going to be different for their not gonna be linear,
the linearity should be carried by the choir singing
to kinds of tones that are simple,
that would create a bed
for you two channel over,
the new tones that you will give,
over the choir as the third energy with the two
will not be delivered in advance YaYee,
they're gonna be channeled in real time as you do it.
you knew this was coming, it's not an assignment, and I know you're comfortable
with the third,
because you're already doing it, you have noticed something
with the tones that you have been given in the last few months
that they're never the same way twice.
they change because the planet is changing under you ,because your mother's
information is starting to awaken in it each time you get it it's different so
don't go through the process of linearizing
any of it don't even write it down, just stand and deliver,
you were the one, YaYee,
to do this, and I know you will.
my partner
steps aside. all through
these last two years I have attempted
to demystify the kinds of things that are happening now on the planet the same on.
if someone were to attend this and they were not familiar
with the energies they wouldn't understand.
And so I want to turn
again to history , I want to remind you something - there is a profound-ed
right now with the indigenous up this planet that reflects
the agent prophecies over 4,000 years.
4,000 years is simply
how long ago they knew they existed but they've existed
for 10 - for even the Lemurians had
this prophecy, and the prophecies
come together now on the planet anachronistically
they echo what the Mayan calendar said
indeed would happen, the end to the Long Count
represented the end of the calendar completely so
term of was it t- hat it could not be revised a new calendar had to be put in
it has many names
for the ancients were not able
to connect together to give it a common name but the prophecies
with the same. prophesy at the Eagle and the condor representing a higher
consciousness a softer Earth,
the awakening of the Puma,, the movement up the Kundalini
it continues and continues. North America, South America
all over the planet. it is nothing to do with new-age
has nothing to do with the choir,
and get everything to do with all of this,
this is not a new age event,
this is an anchor event, the very thing that you are doing
was foretold by the ancient spot this time in history
past the precession of the equinoxes
that would bring this planet to awakening,
and I want to remind all of those who would watch this
in this disbelief or not understand what this was all about,
he is the fulfillment
of the prophecy, it is not published well ,but will be
for the ancients are getting together and the indigenous
are starting to realize that the prophecies that they've all had
all over the planet are the same one.
And that prophecy says
that should you passed this marker , this
fifty time, a chance
a potential for an awakening
planet would exist - that is not from Kryon,
that's from civilization,
your planet has created this,
the ancients have told you about it, it has been recorded and it's here.
it's not a mystery,
and it's not something that only a few
would understand - it is part
of ancientness and the prophecy
of those who would bring you something on this planet that would be hopeful
and so I want to again deliver the message.
that in the process of fulfilling this prophecy
there is no predestination ,that it will take place
only a potential that is so great,
and there has been so strong for 25 years,
that you could preparing for. I'm Kryon,
I would not be here, I would not have visited
my partner I would not have awakened him - his conciseness -
its the potential was small,
the potential is grand and is great
and you cannot sit back and watch it happened.
you are actively participating
in an event that many would think was odd and strange
but you feel it ,do you not?
and it has to do - not with entities
in the mountain but a grander purpose which we called divine source and God.
is it possible
that the master physicist of the universe
is involved in your life ? is it possible
that the master physicist of by universe
is involved in the Ascension planets that are trying to speak to you
and will eventually if you'll let to?
and that this is all tidy in
with a monotheistic god there is worshiped by
this planet, see as beautiful as perfect
could it be that these things all tied together in a way
that nobody expect,
and that there would be those from
all lands who could relate to this prophecy from all lands,
and that the North would be to south bringing
together finally the consciousness,
politics, business, religion,
government into a softer existence where they could see one another differently
and get all - here. this is why you
it's not new age, it's not a group
of fanatics singing funny tones ,
indeed it is the love of God
personified in a quantum wade so many people cannot see
or joy or feel,
human beings are so quick to feel the emotions of love
and not understand them and accept invisible forces and yet they will draw
the line
and this... well it's time to get out the Bubble,
and see what this truly is,
it is a magnificent manifestation
of everything your ancients told you, you could do,
what would happen, if you put your mind into it,
I want to go from this place
- enjoy the Sun on your face, you may even sing about in if you choose,
for they have seen what you've done this day and that
they're ready to celebrate with you.
let the calibration be finished,
and let the node and mole come together that were created for this purpose
on this day in year one.
it is done, and you have done,
And so it is.